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They are scheduled to appear by videoconference today before U.S. Luis Arocho, aka “LuRoc,” 43, of Keansburg, New Jersey, and Maurice Guzman, aka “Dawg,” 51, of Newark, are charged by complaint with one count of aggravated assault in aid of racketeering.

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Honig announced two high-ranking members of the Pagan’s Motorcycle Club were arrested today for assault in aid of racketeering. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Rachael A. Callahan, Acting Union County Prosecutor Lyndsay V. Taylor, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police Colonel Patrick J. Gibson, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Toby C. – Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s New Jersey Division Susan A.

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